Published On: October 19th, 2021

How to Add Native American Wedding Traditions to Your Wedding

It all begins with appreciation, not appropriation. In New Mexico, we are blessed to have a rich Native American history and population including the state’s 19 Pueblos, the Navajo Nation, the Mescalero Apache people, and additional Indigenous influences.

Adding elements of Native American culture and tradition on your special day is a great way to honor our American heritage even if the ceremony is traditional in nature. Here are a few ideas for couples with and without a Native American background, based on our New Mexico and southwestern roots.

The Navajo Wedding Basket
The Navajo (Diné) people have a traditional wedding basket that is used in ceremonies and weddings. The baskets are woven to depict meaningful symbology. The red bands on the baskets are said to represent marriage, the mixing of your blood with your spouse, and the creation of family. Another custom is for guests of the wedding to put offerings and money in the basket for the couple’s future.

A Tipi Wedding Night
A couple’s wedding night is a very sacred evening. BHR has constructed an authentic Native American tipi that the couple can escape to after the guests are well on their way. Furnished with a Native American queen size bed, the couple will have a memorable evening under the stars as they celebrate the beginning of their new life.

Smudging the Guests
The act of smudging can be performed with a small smudging bowl or an abalone shell and the burning of a smudge stick. Aromatic herbs and incense have played a part in all culture’s rituals since the discovery of fire. Consider buying a local smudge stick or collecting sage and other aromatic herbs and tying them together in a bundle. When guests enter the ceremony area an appointed person can hold the smudge bowl out to guests and fan some of the smoke over the person or invite them to smudge themselves. This can be done with a feather or your hand.

Traditionally, sage is used to cleanse the outside world off a person when they enter a ceremonial space, so this could be a fitting addition to your ceremony.

Create a Sacred Mood with a Native American Flute Player
Consider hiring Native American musicians, especially a flute player to create a sacred mood at your ceremony. The Native American flute has a deeply relaxing quality and, in several studies, has been known to have a positive impact on heart rate.

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